Tuesday 28 February 2012

Posh Totty Transformation

Posh Totty Transformation:
-This character profile is of a Posh, attractive teenager who uses her looks to get what she wants. 
This is what our character will be like, she will have the costume, the attitude and the looks will stay the same, and she will be in our first shot in our 2 minute film.
-She likes going out, Socializing with people, and using people to get what she wants, by her looks. Posh Totty however is a clever person, she knows things, but can act dumb when attractive men are around, she's smarter than she looks, and she uses this to her advantages.
-She has a Boyfriend, who drives her around all the time, whenever she wants something she can get.

Saturday 4 February 2012


For Planning what to wear for our film, we need to do planning on our characters and what our stereotypical clothing will be, and because its being filmed at our school, we will look at different costumes for it, starting off with school uniform, or like our chosen film to relate back to, St Trinians. This will allow us to choose or plan what we are wearing. due to us filming it as we are in sixth form, we will wear our own clothing, but the whole point of us planning this, is so we have a rough idea on what we are going to wear. 
So our Goal objective is to pick a picture, which looks and relates back to our chosen characters stereotypes. Starting of with the school uniform, due to our film being like St Trinians. 

NERD BEFORE: Costume, Props and Make-up

NERD:  With this image It will represnt what a stereotypical 'NERD' looks like, with there High IQ and there social awkwardness, makes the character interesting to watch.
COSTUME: Tucked in trousers, glasses, buttons done up.
MAKE-UP: Hair up in bunches, no make-up
PROPS: Books, pencil case, calculator.

CHAV BEFORE: Costume, Props, and Make-up

This photograph is a representation on what kind of style of clothing she will wear, and what she will possibly look like in our film. 
COSTUME: Collar up, big hoops, Joggers or Short skirt, trainers, Big Jewellery, jacket.
MAKE-UP: Orange or normal foundation,    normally no make-up.
PROPS: Hats, phone etc.

our first story board but of Planning development

This mind map/story board was created for the purpose of creating just an idea of what we are planning to do in our project.
Later on, we will then create a proper story board, of shot types, costume, dialogue, songs, ect. 

Friday 3 February 2012

POSH TOTTY BEFORE: Costume, Props, and Make-up

This photograph Shows how she might look in our film, and as you can see, there is some  aspects which she looks the same, as the POSH TOTTY in St Trinians.
COSTUME: Smartly Dressed, Short skirt or Dress, Casual but attractive clothing, what Men would like.
MAKE-UP: No heavy make up, red lipstick or lip gloss, nicely shaped eyebrows, big curled hair, blonde hair.
PROPS: Lipstick, Phone, maybe a book or handbag.

GOTH BEFORE: Costume, Make-up and props

GOTH: This photograph, is not the representation of the goth, however she has GOTH aspects, and if we decide to do the school uniform, this look will be easy to create. 
COSTUME: Black jeans and black ripped top, or Corset. 
MAKE UP: Black make-up on lips and heavy eye liner, messy hair, poofy almost, and tattoo on the arm. 
PROPS: My character will be smoking, which means i will be using a cigarette as a prop. Possibly have some books, or bag, because we are attending school.

Thursday 2 February 2012

Target Audience Survey Interview Female: Shakira Rawlins 16 Years Old

For my target audience survey, I asked a 16 year old girl, Shakira Rawlins, asking her for her opinion on chick flicks, and what it takes to make a chick flick successful in her point of view. She replied: ''all  the successful chick flicks all have humor, and have to have one lovable character which you can relate to, i love chick flicks, and what makes them great is the story line, i would defiantly watch a new chick flick if the first 2 minutes was interesting enough to carry on watching, i have high standards.'' 
With this information, we have made sure that when we get to making the first 2 minutes of the film, that we have a good beginning and made sure that we got to have lovable characters, by having this, we need to create a new mind map on what we need to have in our story line to make it interesting for the viewers and create a window of story, so it can lead to suspense, so the audience will want more. 
And because she is the target range and gender for our audience, we know that her opinions counts, to help us achieve a good opening, and to make the film successful. 

Target audience survey interview Male: Liam Conlon 17 Years Old

For my target audience research I ask Liam Conlon, (http://asfoundationportfolioliamconlon.blogspot.com) To give his opinion on chick flicks, and what Genre he likes. we have decided to use Liam Conlon as one of our target audience because he is near the age range of our target audience for our film, and some male population may be interested in chick flicks, or comedy's which we are trying to achieve in our film. 
He Likes chick flicks such as mean Girls and the film Notebook. However he is more interested in comedies and thrillers such as Mission Impossible and The Hangover.
we asked if he would be willing to watch a chick flick if he saw it in the cinema, and he answered ''I would watch it if it has a good plot, so its not just for women and teenage girls, but can be suitable and fun to watch for a mans point of view''. With this information, we decided that in the first two minutes, even though its more pointed to the female genders we could put a comedic aspect towards it, gaining more of the public, both male and female genders.